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Ars Tactica: Rapport Intermédiaire - Protocole

Ars Tactica: Rapport Intermédiaire - Protocole


<uml title=“Authentication Packets”> hide empty methods hide empty fields

abstract class Packet {

+ id: long


Packet <|– ResponsePacket abstract class ResponsePacket {

+ responseTo: long


Packet <|– LoginRequest class LoginRequest «(P,Salmon)» {

+ username: String
+ password: String <i>hashed</i>


ResponsePacket <|– LoginResponse abstract class LoginResponse

LoginResponse <|– LoginSuccess class LoginSuccess «(P,Salmon)» {

+ sessionId: String
+ user: User


LoginResponse <|– LoginFailure class LoginFailure «(P,Salmon)» {

+ message: String

} </uml>


<uml title=“Authentication Network Exchange”> Client → Server: LoginRequest(username, password) Server –> UserManager: authenticate(username) Server ←- UserManager: «success» Server → Client: LoginSuccess(user, sessionId) alt Failure Server ←- UserManager: «failure» Server → Client: LoginFailure(reason) end </uml>

<uml title=“Authentication Workflow”> title authenticate(user) start if (user in database?) then (no)


elseif (password matches?) then (no)


elseif (banned?) then (yes)



:create session id;

endif stop </uml>

Création de Compte

<uml title=“Account Creation Network Exchange”> Client → Server: CreateAccount(username, …) Server –> UserManager: createAccount(…) Server ←- UserManager: «success» Client ← Server: CreateSuccess() alt Failue Server ←- UserManager: «failure» Client ← Server: CreateFailure() end </uml>


<uml title=“Matchmaking Packets”> hide empty methods hide empty fields

enum QueueType {



Packet <|– EnterQueue EnterQueue – QueueType : type

Packet <|– EnterLobby class EnterLobby «(P,Salmon)» {

+ lobby: Lobby


Packet <|– PlayerReady class PlayerReady «(P,Salmon)» {

+ player: User


Packet <|– EnterGame class EnterGame «(P,Salmon)» {

+ gameId: long

} </uml>

<uml title=“Matchmaking Workflow”> actor ClientA actor ClientB box “Server Software” participant Server participant “1v1 Queue” as Queue participant “Lobby #1” as Lobby participant “Game #1” as Game end box note over Queue: is empty

ClientA → Server: EnterQueue(1v1) Server –> Queue: enterQueue(ClientA, 1v1) activate Queue

ClientB → Server: EnterQueue(1v1) Server –> Queue: enterQueue(ClientB, 1v1)

Queue –> Lobby: «new» deactivate Queue activate Lobby

ClientA ← Lobby: EnterLobby(#1) ClientB ← Lobby: EnterLobby(#1)

ClientA → Lobby: PlayerReady(ClientA) hnote over Lobby broadcast PlayerReady(ClientA) endnote

ClientB → Lobby: PlayerReady(ClientB) hnote over Lobby broadcast PlayerReady(ClientB) endnote

Lobby –> Game: «new» activate Game Lobby –> Game: start() deactivate Lobby

ClientA ← Game: EnterGame(#1) ClientB ← Game: EnterGame(#1) deactivate Game </uml>

Partie de Jeu

<uml title=“Game Packets”> hide empty methods hide empty fields

abstract class Packet {

+id: long


Packet <|– EnterGame class EnterGame «(P,Salmon)» {

+gameId: long


Packet <|– EndGame class EndGame «(P,Salmon)» {

+winner: PlayerRef


Packet <|– MoveTurn class MoveTurn «(P,Salmon)» {

+nextPlayer: PlayerRef


Packet <|– SyncGameState class SyncGameState «(P,Salmon)» {

+gameWorld: GameWorld


Packet <|– SyncEntityState class SyncEntityState «(P,Salmon)» {

+entityId: long
+components: Component[]

} </uml>

<uml title=“Game Workflow”> actor Player box “Server Software” participant GameHandler participant TurnHandler participant StateHandler participant ActionFactory participant Action participant GameWorld end box

Start of Game

Player ← GameHandler: EnterGame(#1)

GameHandler –> TurnHandler: initialize() activate TurnHandler GameHandler ←- TurnHandler: «done» deactivate TurnHandler GameHandler –> StateHandler: initialize() activate StateHandler StateHandler –> GameWorld: construct() activate GameWorld StateHandler ←- GameWorld: «done» deactivate GameWorld GameHandler ←- StateHandler: «done» deactivate StateHandler Player ← GameHandler: SyncGameState(world)

Player Turn

Player –> Player: Select Actor Player –> Player: Request Action Player → GameHandler: PerformAction(entity, action) GameHandler –> TurnHandler: isTurnOf activate TurnHandler alt Out of Turn GameHandler ←- TurnHandler: «false» Player ← GameHandler: Error(“Out of Turn”) end GameHandler ←- TurnHandler: «true» deactivate TurnHandler GameHandler –> StateHandler: performAction() activate StateHandler

StateHandler –> ActionFactory: getAction() activate ActionFactory ActionFactory –> Action: «create» activate Action StateHandler ←- ActionFactory: «return Action» deactivate ActionFactory

StateHandler –> Action: isValid? note left: Checks if the entity is able to perform the action

StateHandler –> GameWorld: beginAction() activate GameWorld #LightBlue note left: Tracks changes to entities

StateHandler –> Action: apply() activate Action #DarkSalmon Action –> GameWorld: «changes» StateHandler ←- Action: «done» deactivate Action deactivate Action

StateHandler ←- GameWorld: getChanges() deactivate GameWorld

hnote over StateHandler broadcast SyncEntityState(changes) endnote

StateHandler –> StateHandler: checkVictory()

alt Player Wins hnote over StateHandler broadcast GameEnd(victor) endnote end

GameHandler ←- StateHandler: «done» deactivate StateHandler

… Passing Turn …

Player → GameHandler: EndTurn() GameHandler –> TurnHandler: nextTurn() activate TurnHandler GameHandler ←- TurnHandler: «new player» deactivate TurnHandler hnote over GameHandler broadcast MoveTurn(new player) endnote
